If you’re looking for an Ethics-oriented consultant to deliver a powerful and dynamic talk or training to change how your team approaches Ethics and Compliance, I’m the pro you’ve been looking for. I will work with you to understand your business and the specific ethical dilemmas and concerns facing your employees. Any talk can be optimized and modified to meet your personal needs.
As an award-winning motivational speaker, my job is to build empathy and understanding between different groups. I do have an advantage, I can say things that people facing discrimination, bullying, and other ethical dilemmas feel they can’t. Click play to watch me in action and see if I’m a good fit for your next event.
Download my speaker page here.
“Compliance is not your enemy. Collaboration is your secret weapon.”
Ethical decision making gives you an edge. If you aren’t speaking to your Compliance Officer as often as your CFO, think about why not. If it takes a crisis or investigation for you to give compliance a voice – you need my help. Ethics, integrity, and compliance are not dirty words. Together we can make your compliance program robust, effective, and empowered.
Compliance isn’t there to say “NO,” but without teamwork that is all they can say. You can foster a strong compliance presence in your organization when you start new projects, and I reveal what that can look like. You’ll see how you can begin to work with, not against, your ethical guides and build sustainable, profitable business models where everyone adds value.
“Your Integrity Passport – Don’t leave home without it.”
Give your multi-cultural teams the tools they need to succeed. This Cultural Awareness Training is designed for those organizations whose international team dynamics resemble playgrounds more than a meeting of the minds. “That’s not how we do things” is a reflexive response to suggested change, but you can combat that.
This training is designed to reach all levels of your organization, including expats who don’t seem to think rules of “home” apply to them. The tools revealed in this talk help create strong teams which are aware of the local risks and how to work responsibly. (Without jeopardizing your reputation or breaking the law.)
“Ethical Leadership – How doing the right things saves millions.”
Be honest, is being ethical a top priority or a last resort for your organization? Do you give your compliance officer a seat at the table all the time, or do you simply call them in when there is an issue – more like roadside assistance than management.
The problem with this approach is that correcting mistakes is more expensive than preventing them in the first place. Lost sales, bad press, reputational damage, and legal costs add up – and that says nothing of the costs if someone’s life is affected!
Train your ethical leaders to make the right decisions under pressure. When you do they’ll put processes in place for their teams to make ethical decisions as well. Learn to help your senior managers make choices ethically and support their teams in similar situations. Lose the “One-size fits all” mindset and embrace tailoring decisions to local market needs.